Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Tomato Sauce

Ay! It's the new year and I feel like I'm falling behind already! I wanted to make so many more posts last year. So what we're going to do is make up for it this year :D The reason this post is called "Tomato Sauce" is because that's what we're doing: "Ketch-up" ;D (Thank Madam Thomas for that one.)

I know that the holidays are over but, way back when they weren't we got to thinking that our workplace was looking... how should I put it? LAME! So we took some time from studying for finals and made some gorgeous snowflakes: 

 Thank you Anna and Gina for all your help :D

Now... moving on. I don't quite remember if it was the same day, but as I was making my way across the Clark campus on my way to my usual visit to Julie in the Library, I could not... not stop and take a picture of the last glimpse of the sunset:

Excuse the terrible quality; I don't have the most advanced phone in the world.

Lastly, I wanted to mention our (now apparently) annual Christmas party! We had a great time with our friends! Thanks to everyone who came and made it a really great time. These are the results of a very sophisticated game we played that evening called... well I think it's called "Rip a Piece of Paper Behind Your Back to Make it Look Like a Christmas Tree." It was great! :D

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